Generator @KFK hope, Brussels (BE) – 25 April 2019

A new cool band in a new cool place in town. Generator performed at KFK hope in Brussels last Friday.

KFK hope is in fact the former Café Kafka which has reopened after nearly two years of inactivity. The bar went through a remarkable undertaking by the current owners who have rejuvenated the spirit of the place with a wonderful manifesto advocating for live performances, cultural debate and support for young music artists. Generator is an instrumental trio and plays an original and dynamic fusion of noise/psychedelic/post rock, taking in all of these elements without belonging entirely in any one of them.

Using pacing and rhythm as ways to ply their songs, Generator’s music is a beautiful flow of a well-choreographed combination of rhythms and changes of direction, to create something that is both unpredictable and entertaining.

Masters of powering up and bringing the song to a complete end only to start it again for a glorious finish, they can build up in speed to the point where the audience think they have experienced the end of the song, when in fact it was a dramatic pause before the intense ending.

Their live performance is fully dynamic, intertwining technicality with delicate melody, rushing forward, holding down only to elegantly flow up again.

The guitar effects are chosen carefully and used artfully to cut across the landscape created by the rhythm section and the versatile bass playing. The drumming is pure fine art synchronized with the guitar weaving, without being abrasive or predictable.

The band members – Andy Heurckmans (guitar), Eric de Jonge (bass) and Kris De Busscher (drums) – have put together their experience from various music backgrounds accomplished in bands like MASSIS, Maanbar, My Friend the Atom, Jonas Winterland, Balderdash, Jay Snapper, Nopole, The Lilies, Accordeonissima. The result is an ambitious project entirely justified by their talent and the motivation of creating something of which the music scene is always in need: a fresh, new approach to good music.



  • Facebook
  • Members
    • Andy Heurckmans (guitar)
    • Eric de Jonge (bass)
    • Kris De Busscher (drums)

KFK Hope on Facebook

PHOTOS at Generator @KFK hope, Brussels (BE) – 25 April 2019


Generator ‘Mr Perception’ @ Rock Classic – 19/01/2019

(by Les Soirées Cerises)

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Author: ywannish