God Is An Astronaut @ VK*, Brussels BE – 3 November 2011

Post-rock is a very fashionable style nowadays, which I have discovered relatively recent and of which I know little about. But no matter how many references I would have received or how much I would have listened to it, I knew I had to go to a concert to really feel what it was about. Had the same feeling with Motorpsycho and Porcupine Tree, without making any comparison between styles and bands. When God Is An Astronaut announced a concert inBrussels, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for that.

I had never been in VK* Club before. It’s not very big and easy to reach. I was late about 5 minutes because I always get lost. But they started on time. I found a spot in the hall, and despite craving so damn much for a beer, I could not leave for a while. They simply got my attention.

First thing noticed was the glorious clarity of sound, also much more “metal” than on the albums. Second one, how much they could move and headbang on stage despite the terrible heat there. So it was only after processing the energy of the band that I noticed the discrete background projections, detail which I loved as it was quite clear that they had came to play and not to just do a show. And only now I realise they didn’t insist on lights show either.

Keyboard, guitar, bass and drums and here I am in the post-rock fields, while the band was alternating noisy and strong sounds with serene and intriguing sections. They played continuously, almost without pause between tracks. I couldn’t find the concert setlist so I only know the tracks they announced:  „Age of the Fifth Sun”, „Forever Lost”, „Suicide by Star”, „Fire Flies and Empty Skies” și „Route 666” the favourite song of the their stage tech, whose birthday was on the day of the show and who was called on stage to be congratulated. Unfortunately, the concert lasted only an hour and 15 minutes, encores included, as it is probably written in the great book of live performances marketing, chapter – we play as much as we signed for.

The audience was another surprise, though not so many people, around 250. Mostly young, 20-25 years old. Very perceptive, moving in their own rhythm, enjoying the show. However, considering the energy coming off the stage, it could have been better.  It is interesting that the event page on facebook had 75 guests, at least one third of the hall followed them on social media, where they are also very present and dedicated.

Taking the risk of repeating myself, God Is An Astronaut live is a totally different experience from the one you may have at home in from of the computer.

The Band: impeccable
The Audience: enthusiastic
The Sound: outstanding
Ticket: 13.50 euro
Beer: two red tokens of 1 euro each

Bonus: Live in Tochka Club, Moscow, February 2011


Author: ywannish