The Octopus Ride

Sleeve Notes and mixtape. A Madcap tribute that features songs written by, played by, inspired by, reminiscent of or dedicated to Syd Barrett and his quirky but strangely influential musical style. As eclectic and unusual as the great man himself. While revisiting Pink Floyd’s albums as preparation for the visit to the “Pink Floyd Exhibition: Their Mortal Remains” at the V&A Museum, we kept asking ourselves a question, “Still, what about Syd?“ And, indeed, what about him? What was so great about Syd Barrett that the legacy overcame the human drama? How come he achieved that status of a cult figure to the level of a person who died young?  He joined the band in 1965, named it Pink Floyd and only two years later stepped into madness. And until today, his fluid signature, his childish universe, his ethereal presence touched so many people, from his bandmates to so many other different artists. Of course we could not find the answer, as good mysteries are better left unsolved. (read more)

A moving farewell for Lemmy Kilmister


On January 9, the service chapel of Forest Lawn Memorial Cemetery in Los Angeles, California accommodated a stand with Lemmy’s ashes and his famous hat and boots surrounded by band’s photos, wonderful flower arrangements and lots of love. The memorial service was hosted by the manager Todd Singerman and broadcasted live worldwide via the Motörhead’s youtube channel. (read more)


7 facts worth checking out before watching ‘Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck’

kurt-cobain-montage-of-heck-posterKurt Cobain: Montage of Heck is neither a biographical movie about a punk-rock star named Kurt Cobain nor a documentary about a successful band called Nirvana. It’s not a hagiography either.

Brett Morgen made a film on Kurt Cobain using art. In particular, his art packaged as a collage put together with home-video footage, audio recordings, interviews with family and close friends, concert shootings and animations. It gives you the same feeling you get after visiting a remarkable art exhibition. (read more)

Motörhead Board Game review

10952285_700854900012320_1979846899577012075_nYou may have already known this but still: there is unique Board Game out there, especially created for Motörhead fans. It was released in 2013 right before Christmas and endorsed by Lemmy himself. In his own particular way, of course: “I’ve had a fun life for sure. Playing this will help me remember it!’” (read more)

Paperblog – not an option, on the contrary!

blogging-428955_1920One of the best arguments against might be that they make unsubscription extremely difficult, if not impossible. You simply cannot cancel your account yourself. I’m talking from own my experience. (read more)



Article: Second hand market for concert tickets – give it a second thought

DSC05518a--A concert is sold out until is sold out on the black market. The black market for tickets has many faces. The bigger the band or the venue, the higher the second hand price. (read more)

Never mind the politics, here’s the Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät

10363238_729237783857886_8666829497275968872_nPertti Kurikan Nimipäivät (Pertti Kurikka’s Nameday) hasn’t just come out of nowhere to sign up for Eurovision 2015. A special mention in their biography should go to Lyhty ry, a Finnish non-profit association on intellectual disabilities founded in 1993, which provides housing and organizes workshops, educational services but also cultural events and leisure activities. One of their music workshops was frequented by Pertti Kurikka, the guitarist of the band, a huge fan of punk rock, who happens to have Down syndrome. In 2004, he meets Kalle Pajamaa, who noticed his potential and built a band around him. (read more)

 Article: 20 years after – The true legacy of Kurt Cobain

kurt_cobain_by_kosybear-d3d80m5Despite the fantastic return, there will be always some unshakable shadows cast upon the grunge style that rose so quickly from a remote area to win the world in the 90s. I guess the media had a most difficult task: deliver a good exposure for a guy who actually killed himself. Loaded up a gun and blew his brains out. Combined with the use of drugs and the gloomy lyrics, anyone has big arguments to dismantle Nirvana’s fame. (read more)

17 Questions with Tomahawk

400px-Trevor_Dunn_05N9397Very good interview with Trevor Dunn –  Reblogged from Bearded Gentlemen Music